Kate Middleton: This adorable gesture exchanged with Mia Tindall melts internet users!

The visibly annoyed little girl confided in the Duchess, who gently put her blindfold back on her and stroked her arm as she snuggled up to her. A very cute moment that shows how close she is to children, she who often goes to schools, nurseries and maternity wards to meet the little ones.

But which also proves that the Cambridge couple is close to the different cousins ​​that make up this large family. Moreover, their daughter, Charlotte, also embraced Mia by rubbing her back. During the ceremony, we notably saw her, as well as her brother George, in full discussion with the little girl and her younger sister, Lena, aged 4 years. Without forgetting their other cousins, Savannah, 11 years old and Isla, 10 years old, the daughters of Peter Philips, who seem just as close to them.

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