Kate Middleton shakes her maracas, Prince William sways like crazy in the Caribbean!

Chocolate, music and a few precious hips… what more could you ask for? On Sunday March 20, 2022, Kate Middleton and her husband Prince William continued their official tour of the Caribbean by visiting a farm specializing in the cultivation of cocoa, in the village of Hopkins. And we can say that the week ended in style for the Duchess and the Duke of Cambridge. Welcomed by a few inhabitants in the middle of a dance, the lovers joined in the festivities.

Before learning more about cocoa farming, at the Maya farm, Kate Middleton had the joy of receiving a pair of wooden maracas. Her husband, Prince William, shared a few steps with their host, Laura Cacho. “They stirred their pelvises as if they were alone in the worldshe rejoices, as reported by the DailyMail. Prince William rocked his hips. He has a nice sense of rhythm. It was a real joy for me. Kate was excellent too. The Garifuna culture is in her, that’s for sure.”

Kate Middleton and Prince William were also treated to Hudutu, a puree of coconut milk and plantains, and Sahau, a sweet cassava porridge prepared by celebrity Belizean chef Sean Kuylen. A fountain of chocolate was flowing nearby, surrounded by tortillas ready to be dipped and eaten. “I think our children would be very jealous!“joked the mum of George, 8, Charlotte, 6, and Louis, 3.

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