Kate Middleton: Prince William still in love, his words prove it

Over the past few days, Prince William and Kate Middleton – after going about their separate lives – traveled to Wales together to celebrate Saint David’s Day and mark the Sovereign’s Jubilee. They gave of themselves to plant trees and discover the organization of a farm. The couple, renowned for their kindness and altruism, lived up to their reputation. Wales in March is a bit like the ties uniting the Sussex couple to the rest of the royal family right now: it’s cold. William could only sympathize with the many fans ready to shiver for hours to see them for just a few seconds. He even offered them one of the most beautiful gifts, words of love addressed to Kate Middleton revealed by Hello: “Kate has the most frozen hands I know. But you know the saying, ‘cold hands, big heart'”.

Where some couples do not pass the legendary milestone of seven years of marriage, Kate Middleton and Prince William have been able to resist. And again, it’s a big word since it’s more in love than ever that they show each of their appearances. No effort to deceive. Ten years after being united in front of millions of viewers, Kate Middleton and Prince William still represent one of the strongest couples in the British monarchy, no offense to Meghan Markle and Harry. Queen Elizabeth II knows she has nothing to fear from the idea of ​​letting her grandson ascend the throne. No scandal expected and even less a divorce: the parents of Georges, Charlotte and Louis love each other as on the first day, if not more!

Prince William will however have taken time before officially engaging with his first love. Despite several years spent proving that she was worthy of entering the royal family, Kate Middleton was waiting, weary, for Prince William’s marriage proposal. Nicknamed Waity Katie because of this non-existent engagement, the Duchess took the lead: it’s marriage or life without her. Still unsure of wanting to pass this course, William found himself abandoned by his beauty, whose night outings with her sister Pippa made the headlines. It is therefore impossible for William not to fall on it. Mission successful. Her prince has returned. Four years after this breakup, the Duke of Cambridge passes the ring on his finger. No doubt, Kate is the queen of her heart.

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