Kate Middleton out: working girl look, for a funny cooking workshop

We can’t stop the Duchess of Cambridge at the start of the year! For the past few days, Kate Middleton has been increasing official outings, both solo and in pairs or threes. Latest example to date this Tuesday, February 8, 2022: Prince William’s wife left Kensington Palace to go to the Southwark district of London.

Always as invested in the fields of mental health and early childhood, the 40-year-old Briton went to meet the organization PACT (Parents and Children Together), a community project launched in 2014, which aims to support parents and families, especially to improve the health and development of young children.

As usual, Kate Middleton appeared quite at ease in the midst of children and parents. Always ready to squat, roll up her sleeves and play with the youngest, the Duchess of Cambridge gladly took part in a cooking workshop with a few children. Elegant in its look of working girlin a Prince of Wales printed blazer, black trousers and Gianvito Rossi pumps, the mother of George, Charlotte and Louis (8, 6 and 3 years old) also mimed a tea break with a little boy.

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