Kate Middleton imperturbable: brushing in the wind and candy look, she looks good in a storm

We had left it in a sequined evening dress, we find it in a completely different dazzling winter look! On Wednesday, November 24, 2021, Kate Middleton made a new solo outing. The Duchess of Cambridge left Kensington Palace for North London, time to visit Nower Hill High School.

All smiles in her fuchsia coat and matching turtleneck sweater (from Hobbs), Kate Middleton and her ripple cascade took part in a lesson on neuroscience and the importance of early childhood development with eight students. It has now been several years that the mother of George, Charlotte and Louis (8, 6 and 3 years old) has devoted much of her precious time to the fields of mental health and early childhood through the Royal Foundation.

Once again, the 39-year-old Briton performed well despite a new media storm. Wednesday’s outing comes just as the Royal Family is firmly sanctioning the BBC, following the airing of a documentary on Princes William and Harry. While Kate Middleton is soon to host a charity Christmas concert in Westminster, the palace has finally entrusted the retransmission to the ITV channel rather than to the national broadcaster it usually favors …

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