Kate Middleton: Flashy look for a day of celebration with Prince William

Members of royal families enjoy the status of fashion icons! As such, Kate Middleton takes care of each of her public appearances, knowing that her outfits will be dissected. She delighted her admirers last weekend, daring to wear a royal blue outfit alongside her husband, Prince William.

The Commonwealth was born on April 28, 1949, the day the London Declaration was signed, but it is on the second Monday of March that the organization is in the spotlight! Thus, Kate and William celebrated Commonwealth Day this Monday, March 14, 2022. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended an annual mass at Westminster Abbey (the same place where they married on April 29, 2011), in London. Prince Charles, his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson were also present.

However, it is on Kate Middleton that all eyes and cameras are focused, and for good reason! She attracted them thanks to her outfit of the day, entirely royal blue from hat to shoes, including a Catherine Walker coat, and Rupert Sanderson shoes. Earrings and a necklace with discreet sapphires accessorized the look of the mother of princes George, Charlotte and Louis (aged 8, 6 and 3).

Camilla also took advantage of the commonwealth day to make a fashion statement. Her pairing of purple coat and hats also earned her the attention and compliments of admirers in the royal family.

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