Kate Middleton: First outing of the year with William, elegance at the rendezvous

This Wednesday, January 19 marks the end of the holidays for Kate Middleton and Prince William. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were expected today at the Foundling museum, the first British charitable establishment founded in 1739. At the time, it welcomed children whose mothers could no longer take care of them. Transformed into a museum, the Foundling museum is still deeply committed to young people. Several artists use their talent and availability to help children develop their creativity and brighten up their daily lives. Kate Middleton and Prince William met with several actors from the Foundling Museum to discuss upcoming projects, the situation of children in need in the United Kingdom and to discuss the difficulties that some may encounter once started in life.

True to form, Kate Middleton arrived on Prince William’s arm more elegant than ever. In pants and a black turtleneck sweater, the Duchess of Cambridge proved that at 40 (she just turned 40), she had lost none of her legendary style. To brighten up her look, Meghan Markle’s sister-in-law donned a duck blue coat, subtly connected with her navy blue pumps.

Chic and elegant to the tip of her hair, Kate Middleton listened attentively to her guests, with the class, restraint and humor that characterize her. It must be said that she and William take the cause of children to heart. Themselves parents of George, 8, Charlotte, 6 and Louis, 3, the Duke and Duchess advocate the values ​​of exchange, sharing and altruism in the education they give them. After Christmas parties in a small committee spent in the Middleton clan, Kate and William could not start the year better than by making themselves available for an appointment so important to them. Combining business with pleasure when you are a member of the British Crown is rather royal…

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