Kate Middleton expatriated in her childhood: she spent 3 years in the Middle East!

For their year-end greeting card, Kate Middleton and Prince William chose a family vacation photo. Revealed to the public on December 10, 2021, the cute family portrait was taken earlier this year, when the Cambridges traveled to Jordan for a private trip. A little excursion that we did not know until then! And if the couple chose this destination, it is for a very specific reason …

During her childhood, Kate Middleton spent three years of her childhood in Jordan. At 2 years old, the future Duchess of Cambridge indeed left Berkshire and lived in Amman between 1984 and 1986, when his father Michael Middleton worked for British Airways as a “flight dispatcher”. The Briton shared this unique experience with her very young sister Pippa (born 1983), but their brother James Middleton was not yet born. The little family finally returned to the UK – Berkshire again – in September 1986, shortly before Party Pieces, the party supplies company that made the Middletons’ fortune.

Shortly before their daughter’s princely wedding in 2011, Michael and Carole Middleton unveiled a nice souvenir photo of these years spent in the Middle East: a photo showing Kate Middleton and her sister Pippa with their father, taken during a visit to the Jerash archaeological site. 30 years later, in June 2018, while on an official trip to Jordan, Prince William visited the very spot where the photo was taken. On the other hand, Kate Middleton had remained in England, since she had just given birth to their third child, Prince Louis.

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