Kate Middleton, committed to the end: even in a total military look, she remains hot!

Sublime in all circumstances. This Wednesday, March 8, 2023, Kate Middleton put on her military fatigues to spend the morning with the Irish Guards, one of the Irish infantry regiments of the British army. A meeting that the Prince and Princess of Wales did not hesitate to relay on social networks. “A snowy morning with the @irishguards on Salisbury Plain! The work of the Irish Guards is as wide-ranging as it is exemplary, from training park rangers in the fight against poaching in East Africa to training in clearance from the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Fantastic to be with ‘The Micks’ today to see their hard work (whatever the weather!)”can we read in the caption of a publication posted on the couple’s Instagram account.

For the occasion, the mother of George, Charlotte and Louis had therefore put on a coat with camouflage colors, tight khaki pants, and a pair of boots. A look far from the usual rhinestones and sequins that suited her perfectly. To pimp this style of soldier, the pretty brunette had opted for a Lara Croft mat that she covered with a hat that matched her outfit because of the snow.

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Internet users under the spell

An appearance that aroused strong reactions. “You are amazing! Hard work and dignified…Fabulous”, “Kate wears the military uniform”, “How does she look so cool without any effort?”, “Even in camouflage, the Princess of Wales is magnificent “, “What an incredible woman and what an inspiration. She sets an example for her children and the world”, “The Princess of Wales is incredible”, “She was born to be a queen” or “They do such an important job, I’m glad they’re being showcased today by Kate Middleton!”, can we read in the comments. One thing is certain, it is that the wife of prince William did not go unnoticed on this international day of women’s rights.


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