Kate Middleton and William furious with Mike Tindall? This decision of the former rugby player who displeased the couple

If Mike Tindall is renowned for being a former professional rugby player, notably selected 75 times with the England team, he is just as much, if not more, known for his relationship with Zara, the daughter of Princess Anne and captain Mark Phillips . Recently, the ex-athlete recounted in an interview his meeting with his sweetheart, while he was still playing oval ball and competing in a major competition.

I was at the World Cup, she was outside watching. I was eliminated from the semi-final. I was disgusted and went for a beer with another guy who had been eliminated and another guy who was in Sydney. They had already met her [Zara Phillips]they introduced us and we discussed“, he had remembered. Since then, the two lovebirds spin the perfect love. They founded a family together since they are parents of three children: Mia (born in 2014), Lena (born in 2018) and Lucas ( born in 2021).

It brings discredit to the royal family

Before that, in July 2011, they decided to get married. Which definitely led Mike Tindall to become a relatively important figure in the British royal family. And if the members of this one seemed rather to appreciate it so far, Kate Middleton and Prince William would have recently been “upset and embarrassed” by his behavior, royal expert Angela Levin told the newspaper The Sun.

Indeed, he recently participated in a reality TV show called I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here (I’m a celebrity get me out of here for the French version). Of the “antics” which would greatly upset the Prince and Princess of Wales. “I think it brings the royal family into disrepute. VSela belittles not only his wife, but also his mother-in-law, Princess Anne, and other members of the royal family”, she clarified.

Note that according to the TimesMike Tindall”did not ask permission” to Charles III to participate in this program. But he would have however spoke to his wife. According to journalist Charles Rae, he “discussed these issues with Zara and the main palace aides”.

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