Kate Middleton and her daughter Charlotte, identical twins for Easter

It is an important day for the British royal family. This Sunday, April 17, members of the Crown participated in the traditional Easter Sunday service. This year, however, is special. Indeed, the queen did not wish to participate in this major event. She asked her son, Prince Charles, and his wife to represent her. Is the Queen of England’s health declining? Since being affected by Covid-19, the monarch has been less fit and has canceled many of her royal obligations. It is therefore without Elizabeth II that the royal family went to the chapel of Saint-Georges, in Windsor. Prince William and his wife, Kate Middleon came with two of their three children: Prince George and Princess Charlotte. Moreover, the young child wanted to look like her mother by dressing, almost, like her.

Like he usually does, the Duchess of Cambridge looked stunning in her pretty baby blue outfit. A soft and seasonal color that her daughter, Charlotte, also wore. The princess had put on a flowery dress and thick tights of the same blue. If Charlotte comes to look more and more like her mother, their similar hairstyle has only reinforced their conformity. Both had opted for a half ponytail.

The Duchess of Cambridge has an ecological conscience and it shows in each of her appearances. As reported by the British Express, this Sunday, April 17, Kate Middleton has worn this dress before signed Emilia Wickstead, during an official trip to Luxembourg in 2017.

The Sussexes against the Cambridges

While many members of the royal family joined the Cambridges this Sunday, another couple is causing a stir in the Netherlands. Far from the traditions of the Crown, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle seem to be having a good time at the Invictus Game. The day before, the Sussex couple swept by to visit Queen Elizabeth II, as well as Prince Charles. Supposed to be on vacation in France, Kate Middleton and Prince William would have done everything to avoid them.

See also: “Kate Middleton does not do much”: when Queen Elizabeth II assassinates Kate Middleton

Helene Bardeau

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