Kate Middleton, ally of King Charles III: this essential role she played with Camilla

When she officially returned to the royal family, Kate Middleton blew a real breath of fresh air on the monarchy. But not only ! The Duchess of Cambridge had everything to please the members of the British Crown, Queen Elizabeth II and especially her son, Prince Charles, who became king on September 8th. In addition to the grandiose smiles she displays on each of her outings, offering a radiant image of the royal family to the whole world, Kate Middleton has achieved the feat that no one thought possible one day: to reconcile Charles III with his sons. Finally especially Prince William.

We learn in particular that she played a key role in the relationship that Kate and William now have with the new royal couple. The quartet gets along wonderfully, it was however far from won at the start. William resented his father and Camilla terribly for living their love so freely after hurting his mother Diana so much. But Prince William relented, thanks to his wife Kate: “They had a difficult start, says Angela Levin, columnist, biographer and royal expert in the pages of Gala. They now have respect and a certain affection for each other, partly thanks to Kate who has real affinities with Camilla.”

If everything seems to be back to normal with William, this is not the case for Prince Harry. And the geographical distance, in addition to everything else, should not help their relationship: “Around the time of Charles and Camilla’s wedding in 2005, Harry said he and his brother loved their stepmother madly. The Duke of Sussex, it is true, does not seem so well disposed anymore. He is convinced that his father and William are ‘trapped’ within the monarchical institution“, says Angela Levin.

Camilla Parker-Bowles would have done everything to fix things with him. She is one of the few to have reached out to Meghan Markle when she joined the firm: “Establishing herself as a member of the royal family had not been easy for her either, so she tried to guide her. But Meghan didn’t grab his outstretched hand, she wanted to chart her own path.” An attempt at rapprochement that Prince Harry seems to have already forgotten.

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