Kate and William on the way out? In their sights, a known royal residence, but long shunned

For a few weeks, rumors have been circulating about a possible move of Prince William and Kate Middleton from Kensington Palace, London. Installed in apartment A1 since 2013, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are said to be planning to live full-time in the countryside, they who love to spend their weekends and holidays in their home in Anmer Hall, in Norfolk. . If we are to believe the information from the Telegraph reported at the end of January, the parents of George, Charlotte and Louis (8, 6 and 3 years old) would like to move closer to Windsor and perhaps settle in Fort Belvedere…

Among the various Crown properties in Windsor’s Great Park is the Fort Belvedere, a neo-Gothic castle whose foundations date back to the middle of the 19th century. The residence, enthroned in the middle of a large estate of 100 hectares, is known to have been inhabited since 1930 by Edward VIII and the American Wallis Simpson. It was there that he signed his act of abdication in 1936, out of love, and left the throne to his brother George VI, the father of Elizabeth II. After renouncing his function, Edward VIII preferred to leave the United Kingdom and Fort Belvedere to settle in France with Wallis Simpson.

Unoccupied for 20 years, several tenants then succeeded one another at the Fort: Gerald William Lascelles, first cousin of Elizabeth II, who lived there with his family until the mid-1970s, before a son of the Emir of Dubai does not settle there in turn. Since the end of the 1980s, the castle has been rented to Canadian billionaire Galen Weston and his family, close to the royal family. Prince William and Kate Middleton could therefore be the next tenants with their three children … Unless they prefer to put their suitcases at the Royal Lodge!

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