Karl Tremblay (1976-2023) | Artists and admirers pay tribute to the cowboy

Il était aimé, Karl Tremblay. L’annonce de son décès a provoqué un tsunami d’éloges, mercredi, sur les réseaux sociaux où des dizaines de milliers de personnes, artistes et admirateurs, ont rendu hommage au chanteur des Cowboys Fringants, estimé pour sa profonde humanité.

« Ils sont peu nombreux ceux qui réussissent à faire chanter tout un peuple. Tu étais de ceux-là », a réagi le comédien Fabien Cloutier, sur Instagram.

Il est aussi de ceux, encore moins nombreux, dont le départ suffit à arrêter le temps. Parce que le temps a semblé s’arrêter, mercredi soir, chacun se laissant absorber par ses souvenirs du chanteur à la profonde humanité.

« Merci de nous avoir fait passer ces moments magiques avec Karl. On va toujours se rappeler de lui », a commenté le chanteur Émile Bilodeau. « On perd un de nos grands », a déploré le rappeur Koriass.

Aussitôt son décès annoncé, les éloges à la grandeur du chanteur des Cowboys Fringants ont plu sur les réseaux sociaux.

Comme des milliers d’admirateurs, le comédien et animateur Rémi-Pierre Paquin conservera précieusement le souvenir de Karl Tremblay, entouré de sa gang, au Festival d’été de Québec.

« Je n’oublierai jamais ce spectacle cet été sur les plaines [d’Abraham]. The most human, moving, charged, beautiful and whole thing I have seen in my entire life,” he said.

A “highly emotional concert, in the form of a farewell to the one who will have marked, forever, the history of popular music in Quebec”, also underlined SOCAN.

On social networks, the feeling of losing a loved one, a friend, in this voice which accompanied millions of lives, was shared by everyone.

“I am heartbroken,” singer Charlotte Cardin simply reacted, emphasizing the loss of “one of our greatest.”

” His voice [était] as a comfort through almost every stage of my life. I am without words and with all my heart with you,” testified the entrepreneur and singer Marilou.

On Facebook, comedian Jean-Thomas Jobin praised “his resilience, his talent, and his imprint which is so important, both from a creative point of view and from a human point of view”. “Without a doubt, he had a colossal positive impact on everyone close to him,” he shared.

For a quarter of a century, Karl Tremblay “has marked the history of music in Quebec,” underlined ADISQ.

“He will forever remain our shooting star. All our condolences to Marie-Annick, Jean-François, Jérôme, as well as to his family and loved ones,” she declared on X.

The Quebec Summer Festival team is also mourning the loss of a giant.

“It is with immense sadness that we learn this evening of the departure of Karl Tremblay. We are devastated by this news. Our most sincere condolences to his family, his loved ones and the entire Cowboys Fringants family. Thanks Karl! “, she said in a press release.

The artistic community is not the only one in mourning: the National Hockey League also wanted to thank Karl Tremblay, whose work is “as unifying as our national sport. »

“The NHL offers its thoughts to loved ones and fans on this sad day. »

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