Karine Le Marchand upset, this candidate says he can die at any time …

The favorite show for lovers of love kicked off this Monday, February 14, on Valentine’s Day. A sign of hope and happiness. And for this first issue of the new 2022 season, the production of Love is in the meadow did not do things by halves. Indeed, after the arrival of Sébastien, Alain, Noémie and Jean, it was Guillaume who entered. A candidate like no other.

Aged 28, Guillaume breeds 150 Limousin cows and poultry in New Aquitaine. The job of his dreams, the one that has always fascinated him. Also a municipal councilor in his small town, the candidate does not have a minute to himself. And can’t find love. So, so as not to be alone, Guillaume still lives with his parents, in the apartment below, which he renovated especially for him and his future family.

Determined to find love thanks to Karine Le Marchand and the teams of the chain, he also wants to enjoy life to the fullest. And for good reason, the latter has already almost lost his life, and is not reassured for the future. Indeed, as he reveals in front of the cameras of “Love is in the meadow”, in 2008, when he was only 15 years old, Guillaume had cerebral thrombophlebitis. These are clots in the blood, which clog the arteries and thus the blood supply to the brain.

Following this accident, the young high school student at the time was plunged into an artificial coma for four days. When he wakes up, he confides that he did not recognize his mother. Fortunately, very quickly, everything came back and Guillaume has no sequelae today. Yet, as he clarifies, now he lives “with a Damocles sword” above the head, which he learned to apprehend. A very sad story.

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