Karine Le Marchand talks about the old ways of her faithful sidekick, Stéphane Plaza

It’s no longer a secret. Karine Le Marchand and Stéphane Plaza have a special relationship. Faithful friends, the two animators do not let go of a sole. And has been for years. In the heart of the health crisis, they also made the decision to confine themselves together so that the star of “Love is in the meadow” could correct the bad eating habits of his sidekick. Ready to do anything for the well-being of her friend, Alya’s mother even helped her accomplice to overcome his heartache. In a recent interview for Le Parisien, Karine Le Marchand confided in this unique bond that unites her to the famous real estate agent. ” When we see each other, something always happens, there is something that clicks, an alchemy that takes place almost immediately. She also added: The friendship that binds us is only possible because we have no carnal love. As a couple, all of a sudden, we try a little to control the other, and our relationship is based on great freedom, on a deep love, but not draconian. I love him, accept him as he is. But I can’t live with him! »

“He was pulling the rope”

Indeed, the host favorite of the French explained that despite their relationship, their characters are diametrically opposed. ” Stéphane does not like to be alone. For a long time, he opened his arms to people who weren’t necessarily worth it. He was always surrounded and saturated with energies. Some were there to capture his “explained the pretty brunette. A difficult phase for the star of “House for sale” who then experienced a dark period. ” He went to bed late, drank a lot and pulled on the rope. And all of a sudden, he disappears, he does the job. He is the only man capable of leaving for weeks leaving his cell phone in Paris. “. To get out of this bad patch, Stéphane Plaza was therefore able to count on the support of his faithful friend.


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