Karine Le Marchand separated from her daughter’s father: “I didn’t want it …”, rare confidences

On television, on social networks, in the media … Karine Le Marchand shares a few snippets of her private life. However, she preserves her daughter Alya, soon to be 19, as best she can and limits her appearances. This Thursday, November 4, 2021, in the columns of the magazine Gala, the 53-year-old host is open-hearted about her role as a mother, but also makes rare confidences about the father of her daughter, from whom she separated shortly after the birth of Alya.

She herself evolved without a father figure, raised by her mother. “I am my own father. I only have me. I grew up without a pillar and i’m my daughter’s“, she launches, specifying that Alya’s father “lives abroad. Besides, this break, she did not want it … “It wasn’t my doing“, she confides. And it’s two, with this long-awaited baby -“I had problems getting pregnant, I’ve been operated. She is an ultra desired child“, she confides – that Karine Le Marchand lives the rest of her life, without any regrets.”What is certain is that I was extremely happy to raise my daughter on my own. This fusion, even if I didn’t want it, I loved it“, assures the host of Love is in the meadow (M6).

This is not the first time that the beautiful brunette opens up on the father of her daughter. In October 2020, she told our colleagues about TV Cable Sat the reasons for this separation. At the time, she presented Kindergarten and saw his success grow day by day. “I was a single mom with a little baby. I had separated from my daughter’s father a bit because of the show, by the way“, she had declared. And to specify:”One evening, at the restaurant, I am with my companion and the waiter welcomes us with a ‘Hello Monsieur and Madame Le Marchand.’ As that was not his name, he took my hand and said: ‘Listen to me carefully, I will never be Monsieur Le Marchand.’ It contributed to our separation.

After this breakup, Stéphane Plaza’s sidekick experienced other love stories, especially with personalities well known to the general public. Among his known ex-companions, the singer Passi, the former footballer Lilian Thuram or JoeyStarr …

The interview with Karine Le Marchand can be found in full in the magazine Gala, currently on newsstands.

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