Karine Le Marchand of the far-right? Internet users cry scandal after the final of France has an incredible talent

Yesterday, Wednesday December 22, 2021, took place the grand final of France has an incredible talent on M6. As often, the program reserved talents with a mixed profile. Singers, dancers, drag-queen, all tried to seduce the public but it was ultimately the cadets of the Military Academy of Saint-Cyr de Guer who won the day. Another Breton victory after that of Bagad de Vannes in 2015. The military therefore brought back a new check for 100,000 euros in Morbihan. “We will remain true to our values, to those of the army. So, if we have the immense happiness of winning, we will donate this sum to associations supporting the wounded and the families of soldiers who died for France.“, stated the winners.

If the young students arrived at this stage of the competition, before winning it, it is also and above all thanks to Karine Le Marchand. Indeed, from their first passage in front of the jury, the host of L’Amour est dans le pré decided to play his golden buzzer, the key to the candidate to reach the final, without going through the tests. playoffs.

Internet users unhappy with the final choice cry scandal

If some were delighted to see the choir of cadets from the Military Academy of Saint-Cyr de Guer win, others are more bitter. “Can we also note that they reached the finals thanks to the new friend of the extreme right Karine Le Marchand? or blah are you okay? “,” A warm thought to Karine Le Marchand, the most right-wing woman of the PAF who is winning over rancid France and the fascists!, “I had bristly hairs when the choir sang, but honestly the real talent is Matéo or Sadek… We see you @ M6 using the program to release albums afterwards…“, commented some viewers disappointed with the end result.

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