Karine Le Marchand has made a very important decision and not just any decision!

Memories memories ! Sunday July 31, Karine Le Marchand published a photo of her dating back several years. At a time when the host was completely addicted to… cigarettes. In the caption of this photo, where she appears with a “cigarette” in her hand.

“Memory of the cigarette period. I’m very happy to have stopped 15 years ago!”dropped the fiftieth, proud of her. “What freedom we feel when we no longer need anything to manage our emotions… Yes at the beginning when we stop, we take them in the face and we no longer have a crutch to face what is going wrong and what / those who make us want to smoke… And little by little we see that it is better to run, scream, cry, break toxic relationships… My health is my life capital, and nothing or no one will take a day of what I have left to accomplish and feel.”

A necessary operation

In a magazine interview Shein 2019 in the columns of Tele-Leisure, one of the favorite personalities of the French had confided to have suffered from a serious health problem. “Last year, I was diagnosed with a tumor in my uterus and had to undergo a hysterectomy,” she said. Namely, a partial or total removal of the uterus. Faced with the disease, the great friend of Stéphane Plaza admitted to having been afraid “to have cancer, to die”. “Fortunately, everything went well”.

See also: Karine Le Marchand single? This emblematic farmer from L’amour is in the meadow that she has invited to her vacation home!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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