Karine Le Marchand dressed for the winter… Kelly Vedovelli puts her face in TPMP!

In the Do not touch My TV Tuesday, February 15, Cyril Hanouna received Magali Berdah. The latter was on the set to respond to Karine Le Marchand’s outrageous outing to her. So what was the videos talking about Youtube tours of the presidential candidates of the director of Shauna Events in the Big heads on RTLJean-Luc Reichmann had questioned the BFF of Stéphane Plaza, saying to him: “She pumped you a little, didn’t she?”. What the favorite host of the French had retorted: “I don’t know who she pumped but it wasn’t me anyway”.

Hurtful words for the mother of the family who had already replied on social networks or on European 1.

“They were particularly violent and nasty (…) I didn’t find it funny, and then I’m a mother, I have three children, you have to respect. My daughters are subject to cyber-harassment. I’ve been doing it for five years. this job on social networks (…) it’s violent, I suffer, and I accept…”she said in TPMP adding that she felt “attacked for nothing by Lilian Thuram’s ex. “We don’t have the same concept”she said regretfully “a free attack”.

Several columnists spoke, including Kelly Vedovelli: “We are finally starting to see the true face of Karine Le Marchand, it makes me happy since we hear a lot of stuff off, but she shows it herself on TV, I find it pretty cool”.

The beautiful blonde pointed to a “misplaced jealousy”as well as a sourness on the part of Karine Le Marchand towards “a woman who is fulfilled in her work”.

For his part, Benjamin Castaldi went further by saying: “She implies that Magali succeeded by sleeping with guys, it’s even worse, it’s dramatic!”

See also: “F**** other people”, this sexual allusion by Karine Le Marchand which earned her to be destroyed by a columnist from “TPMP”!


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