For several years, Julien Doré has distinguished himself with panache in the music industry. Authentic and sensitive, the artist constantly delights his admirers with his hits! His audience is his most precious thing. The singer likes to take his time when he’s in the studio. Out of the question for him to be only a tube machine.
“I try to have fun and take risks. I’m not really attached to the hyper existence and to this notoriety, which fell on me 15 years ago. I am attached to making songs, to singing them, to laughing and making the people around me laugh, to getting on stage and knowing how to get off. analyzed the interpreter of “We” for Pure Charts.
“I am lucky to have people who love me…”
If fashions come and go, his fans are still loyal to him. “I’m lucky to have people who love me enough to keep listening to my music. This morning, while writing my posts for the future tour, we found that most of the Zéniths that were open and the concert in Bercy are sold out. It’s a crazy thing ! I try to take care of that because I’m not fooled: I know that success is just as fragile as it is precious. he pointed out.
If the ex-juror of The Voice Kids strives to preserve his secret garden, he loves interacting with his followers on the Web! And this Thursday, November 24, 2022, the main interested party has certainly taken aback many of them. Via his Instagram story, Julien Doré immortalized himself alongside Karine Le Marchand, the iconic host of the sixth channel. In his caption, the young dad also added: “I hope that my portrait for the new season of Love is in the meadow will seduce you ladies”. Note that the latter is an unconditional fan of the program! Is this a prank? Answer in a few months…

to see also: “I did not expect it”: A farmer betrayed by his beautiful just before finding Karine Le Marchand for the balance sheet