Karin Viard married: rare appearance of her two daughters, tender kisses with Manuel… all the photos!

She never thought of putting on a white dress again, except possibly for a role in the cinema. She couldn’t have been more wrong! On Saturday June 25, 2022, Karin Viard married her companion, director and documentary film producer Manuel Herrero. Of course, the guest list was limited, but some images of the ceremony have leaked. The actress, first, unveiled a short video on which she appears with her new husband, as well as a few moments and a few kisses captured behind the scenes of this exceptional wedding. Among the small group gathered on the occasion of the ceremony, there were also the daughters of the actress…

If she thought she would never find love again, it is because Karin Viard has been in a relationship for 25 years with the same man. In 2017, however, she formalized her divorce with Laurent Machuel … and quickly gave in, for another, to the impulses of the heart. It’s hard to say if his former half was invited to the wedding on June 25, 2022, but their two daughters, of course, were there. Marguerite, born in 1998 and Simone, born in 2000, even made a very rare appearance with their famous mother and the eldest outright broadcast these images on social networks. Sacred trio of charm.

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