Karim Benzema’s vacation criticized for its climate impact

“Everything you need to fuck the planet in two minutes of videos. Hats off to the artist!” abstract Internet user. By posting a short video of his vacation in Miami, Saturday July 2, Karim Benzema probably did not expect such reactions. on the song jimmy cooks of the rapper Drake, we see in particular the striker of the Blues driving a sports car, piloting a jet-ski or posing in front of a private jet. Means of transport that emit a lot of greenhouse gases, the cause of global warming.

Among the angry reactions, that of Thomas Wagner, founder of the Bon Pote media. “This clip is a best of what should no longer be done. The simple round trip between Miami and Madrid [où vit Karim Benzema] in a private jet, it’s much more than what a person should emit per year to limit global warming”, he calculates. On a commercial flight, a Paris-Miami round trip emits 1.3 tonnes of CO2 per person, while experts agree that no more than 2 tonnes should be burned per person per year to limit the global warming to 2°C, one of the objectives of the Paris agreement.

The approach might seem futile, yet it has a scientific basis. Familiar with this type of questioning on social networks, Thomas Wagner recalls that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) itself underlines in its latest report (PDF in English) the role of influencers – athletes, social media stars, musicians, singers… – in the fight against climate change. “They can increase the adoption of low-carbon technologies, behaviors and lifestyles”write the scientists.

Co-founder in December 2021 of the Instagram account Paye ton influence, Amélie Deloche criticizes the personalities of “normalize harmful behaviors in a world in climate emergency”. “They send a contradictory message to a whole generation which is suffering and will suffer the effects of global warming”analyzes the young woman.

“Because he is widely watched, Karim Benzema has a responsibility to send the right message.”

Amelie Deloche

at franceinfo

Grandstand in Green to call on influencers to “wake”arrests on social networks… His account, managed with a friend, tries daily to change mentalities. “We post comments under partnerships with brands that have a huge ecological impact, such as those in fast-fashion, or under contests to win air travel”, says Amélie Deloche. The questioning is always courteous but firm, like this message sent to former Miss France Sylvie Tellier after a round trip to New York for 24 hours.

Painstaking work. Pay Your Influence estimates that 80% of their messages go unanswered. BonPote says he was blocked by former Miss Universe Iris Mittenaere after a message about his trips to Dubai. “We know very well that we are not going to change the world of influence overnight. But in off, it is gaining momentum”, assures Amélie Deloche. Brands and influencers have contacted them to discuss the subject and the message of Paye ton influence is increasingly taken up by ordinary Internet users – “There is starting to be pressure from their own audience”. Sometimes, the criticized post is even deleted, as was the case for the video entitled “I deliver a McDo in a private jet” by the youtubeur FastGoodCuisine, challenged by Bon Pote.

It is sometimes criticized Bon Pote or Pay your influence to prevent people from dreaming. “Ecologists don’t have that much to do with pissing you off. If we fight, it’s to preserve a livable worldreplies Thomas Wagner. Does it make you dream a world with droughts, floods, mega-fires, loss of biodiversity, melting glaciers, unbearable heat where it is no longer possible to live? Karim Benzema would also do well to be concerned about it: Miami, his vacation spot, is one of the cities most threatened by the rising waters caused by global warming.

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