Karim Benzema: Find out why Wejdene ‘drives the football star crazy’!

It is the musical phenomenon of 2020 and since then it has only confirmed its success with many hits. When she arrives with Anissa and the famous phrase “You out of my sight”, Wejdene had the effect of a bomb in the world of French music. Since then, the 18-year-old has continued her career with numerous hits and in less than two years she has become the idol of the youngest, and it is not the daughter of one of the biggest stars of French football who will say the opposite.

It’s a confidence that we didn’t really expect from Karim Benzema. The 34-year-old footballer who plays for Real Madrid is known for his love of music and especially his fascination with American rappers. An absolute fan of Tupac, he very often shares photos of his idol and recently he even published a controversial video in which he reproduces the lifestyle of a rap star in the United States. Only, the great friend of Kylian Mbappé is not closed to other musical styles and especially when he is in the presence of his children, who clearly do not have the same tastes as him.

Mélia listens to Wejdene on repeat at home!

In a recent interview, the footballer convicted in the Mathieu Valbuena sextape case provided some rather unexpected information. His little Meliawhich he had with his companion at the time Chloé de Launay, is a big fan of the interpreter of coconut. “A music that I listen to for example with my daughter is Wejdene”says Karim Benzema in an interview, before going further by saying that Melia has it “drove crazy with it” and especially with his first hit, Anissa.

A funny confidence from the former teammate of Cristiano Ronaldo, who comes out of an incredible season with his club. European champion for the fifth time with the Madrid club, Karim Benzema is the big favorite for the next Ballon d’Or.

So, Karim Benzema fan of Wejdene? In any case, his daughter does everything to make it happen!

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