Kari Lake, new face of Trumpism, beaten in Arizona

Her Democratic rival, Katie Hobbs won on the wire after a tight and tense competition in this key state. A setback for former President Donald Trump who hopes to revive for 2024.

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A Republican candidate supported by Donald Trump, Kari Lake, failed Monday, November 14, to seize the seat of governor of Arizona, according to American media. This new setback is very noticeable for the ex-president, who must announce his candidacy for the presidency of 2024 on Tuesday. After a tight and tense competition in this key state, Democrat Katie Hobbs won on the wire against this emblematic figure of Trumpism, according to CNN and NBC.

Kari Lake was seen as one of the Republican’s lieutenants during the midterm elections, which took place on November 8. Convinced that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump, she refused to make it clear that she would accept the result of her own ballot. For any reaction, the unfortunate candidate tweeted Monday evening: “Arizonans know when they’re being scammed.”

The former president for his part immediately denounced the validity of the ballot on his Truth Social network: “Wow! They just stole the election from Kari Lake. It’s really bad!”

This 53-year-old woman, who claims the nickname of “Trump in a petticoat” which the left has decked her out, was one of the outstanding personalities of the campaign. A former news anchor on the local branch of Fox News, she had turned her audiovisual notoriety into political capital, cultivating an image of a rebel touched by grace, who abandoned the “corrupt media”.

Almost a week after the votes were held, the full results of the midterm elections are not yet known. Control of the House of Representatives, for example, remains an unknown. But “democracy is worth the wait”, Democrat and future Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs rejoiced on Twitter on Monday evening.

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