Kanye West closes his school, Donda Academy

The tiles are piling up for rapper Ye since posting his anti-Semitic remarks. The latest news: the closure of Donda Academy, his private Christian school based in California.

Posted at 12:34 p.m.

John Siag

John Siag
The Press

The director of the Donda Academy Jason Angell notified by email the parents of the hundred students this Thursday of the immediate closure of the establishment, whose mission is “to be a reflection of the glory of God in the world” . The school will be closed from this Friday.

In his letter, Mr. Angell says that Donda Academy will reopen in September 2023. “We are hopeful to see our students continue their journey to become the creators, influencers and leaders of the next generation,” he writes.

Some students received scholarships, but depending on the RollingStone the others had to pay $15,000 a year to attend the school named after his late mother (Donda). The students Ye calls his “doves” wear Balenciaga (which has severed ties with him) and Yeezy brand uniforms.

Little is known about what happens at Donda Academy as parents of students must sign a confidentiality clause. On the school’s website, however, we learn that there are: “times of worship, lessons in the language of art, mathematics and science, a time for lunch and recreation and then lessons enrichment on languages, visual arts, cinema and parkour. »

The Donda Academy is at the heart of the divorce proceedings for Ye and his ex-wife Kim Kardashian, who objects to his children attending the establishment.

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