The American artist, who claims to be bipolar and does not hide his admiration for Hitler, has repeatedly made racist and anti-Semitic remarks, according to the complaint filed by Trevor Phillips, an African-American, employed by his brand Yeezy and his school Donda Academy.
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Controversial rapper Kanye West has repeatedly yelled at black employees and praised Adolf Hitler as “innovator”, according to a new complaint filed in California on Tuesday April 2. The artist, also known for his fashion brand Yeezy, has become a show-business pariah since he made anti-Semitic remarks in 2022 and displayed his sympathy for the Nazi dictator.
This complaint, in which a former employee claims that the singer assured schoolchildren that he was persecuted by the Jewish people, further tarnishes the image of the artist, who says he suffers from bipolar disorder. It was filed by Trevor Phillips, an African-American who worked for nearly a year for Yeezy and for Donda Academy, a school founded by the controversial rapper.
“frantic howls”
Hired at the end of 2022, the ex-employee claims not to have “never seen Mr. West yell and berate a white person”according to the complaint. “But on countless occasions, he has seen and/or personally experienced Kanye’s frenzied yelling at black people.” According to Trevor Phillips, the rapper repeatedly launched into anti-Semitic tirades in front of his staff, ensuring that “the Jews want (L)and bring down” or “Jews steal everything (s)we money.”
Many brands, such as Adidas, Gap and Balenciaga, have cut ties with Kanye West, due to previous anti-Semitic statements. According to the complaint, the artist, also known as Ye, praised Hitler during a dinner at a posh Los Angeles restaurant.
“Hitler was fabulous”estimated the rapper, according to the complaint. “Hitler was an innovator. He invented so many things. It’s thanks to him that we have cars”, he added, asserting a historical untruth. German engineers Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler are among the people behind the development of the automobile. The Nazi dictator was content to support Ferdinand Porsche, who designed and mass-produced the famous Volkswagen Beetle.
Inappropriate behavior and comments
In his complaint, Trevor Phillips also claims that during a conversation with two children from Donda Academy, the rapper told them to shave their heads and threatened to lock them in cages. “Kanye also told the employees…that none of them had to be fat or he would fire them.”, adds the complaint. Donda Academy is already at the center of several complaints filed by former teachers, fired after expressing reservations about the safety and toxic environment it provides for its students.
Trevor Phillips is seeking $35,000 in damages, and wants to send a message with his complaint. “We hope that … Mr. West will understand that his messages, which we believe preach discrimination, anti-Semitism and love of Hitler, have no place in the world.”insisted his lawyer, Carney Shegerian.