Kamila (Secret Story) back in the emergency room: indescribable pain, excruciating night … The ordeal continues

This early spring is anything but restful for Kamila and Noré. The couple, discovered in season 11 of the reality show Secret Story, welcomed a baby girl, Adria, in April. A happiness quickly spoiled by the Covid-19. A few days ago, Kamila revealed that everyone, even the Adria and Kenan children, had contracted the virus and accumulated the symptoms. If all seem to be better now, the last few days have been “a bit more complicated“: “I had every possible symptom, said Kamila. Fever, body aches, chills, loss of taste and smell, ocular migraines, cough, pain in the eyes (…) Today, we too are cured but I swear to you, it was a hassle, we had it all the same until yesterday.“Unfortunately for her, the troubles were just beginning.

In her Instagram story (see slideshow), Noré’s wife indicated that she was already back in the emergency room. This time, the virus is not directly involved even if, according to Kamila, it played its part. Being sick, the young mother could not breastfeed her daughter Adria as she would have liked. She had therefore been suffering from engorgement for several days.very painful“: “My breastfeeding has been disrupted. So yesterday evening, another evening in the emergency room… Engorgement, I’ve had it for 2 or 3 days. I let you imagine the pain for those who know”, she explained in writing on a video of her entry into the hospital.

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