Kamala Harris “victim of impostor syndrome”? She annoys … because of her nervous laughter!

US Vice President Kamala Harris landed in Paris on November 9 for a five-day visit to seal reconciliation after the serious crisis between Paris and Washington over an Australian submarine contract. “It is good to be in France and I look forward to many days of productive discussions to strengthen the strength of our relationship.“, she told the press on her descent from Air Force 2 at Orly airport. Kamala Harris, who speaks French, then went to the Institut Pasteur to meet researchers Americans and French working on the Covid-19. In France, the 57-year-old American politician will try to regain points, her popularity having fallen sharply since her arrival alongside Joe Biden there is more than one year.

The Express analyzes the Harris case: “‘She may be a victim of “impostor syndrome‘ [NDLR : ce manque de confiance en soi qui provoque un curieux sentiment d’imposture]”, supposes the specialist of the United States Françoise Coste. Which would explain his nervous and recurring laughter which is so much criticized. ‘Let’s be clear,’ she continues, ‘Harris is disappointing, but it was predictable. Because Joe Biden chose her above all for her identity, not for her political qualities. ‘

This official visit to France is an opportunity for Kamala Harris to make a fresh start after the difficulties accumulated in her country: dialogue between Biden’s entourage and that of Harris, a broken managerial reputation and an unhealthy working atmosphere in her staff. Not to mention his nervous laughter at every discomfort or difficult question in the media. No better to tarnish a reputation. Always on the defensive, the former prosecutor seems to have difficulty handling criticism according to American experts.

A busy trip to France

This Wednesday afternoon, Kamala Harris is to meet with Emmanuel Macron on subjects related to the Indo-Pacific region, European security or even global health, according to the White House. On November 11, “Veterans Day” in the United States, Kamala Harris is scheduled to participate in the Arc de Triomphe commemorations for the Armistice of 1918, which ended the First World War. Accompanied by her husband Doug Emhoff, she will visit the American military cemetery of Suresnes, near Paris, then will go to the Paris Peace Forum. Finally, Friday 12, she will take part in the international conference on Libya and the preparation of the presidential and legislative elections supposed to get the country out of the chaos in which it has been plunged since the fall in 2011 of the regime of Muammar Gaddafi.

This move takes place after the submarine affair, initiated last September: the United States and Australia inflicted a real snub on Paris by sealing a defense alliance in the Pacific with the United Kingdom, referred to as the acronym AUKUS, Washington blowing a huge submarine contract initially promised to France.

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