By giving her authorization to publish this medical report, the Democratic candidate hopes to fuel a debate on the faculties of her rival Donald Trump, 18 years her senior.
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She is in “excellent health” and intends to make it known. The White House published a medical report on Saturday, October 12, concluding that Kamala Harris has, at 59 years old, “the physical and mental resistance necessary to fulfill the duties of the presidency” of the United States. The extremely detailed report was published “with agreement” of the Democratic candidate. A way for his camp to shine the spotlight on the almost 20 years of age gap with his rival Donald Trump.
According to her doctor, the vice-president’s last medical examination dated April indicates nothing “out of the ordinary” and it benefits from a “excellent health”. For its part, Donald Trump’s campaign team reacted by affirming that the form of the Republican candidate had nothing to envy of that of the Democrat and, on the contrary, the latter had been “unable to keep pace with the demands of a campaign” electoral.
Questions about Joe Biden’s age, toughness and mental acuity dominated his campaign, until the 81-year-old Democratic president threw in the towel in July, after a disastrous debate against his Republican predecessor . The issue has since rarely been discussed in the media and has had no notable influence on the polls, which are still close, despite the strong age difference between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, and the ever more pronounced trend of the latter with digressions and disjointed speeches.