It is among hundreds of suitors that Camille, 22, stood out to participate in the first season of Drag Racethe French version of Rupaul’s Drag Race, an American drag queen contest which is a worldwide success. From AubenasCamille is one of the ten candidates selected thanks to her feminine and haute couture character: Kam Hung.
Combat discrimination and stereotypes
“There are some who tell me that they knew nothing about the world of drag and who found the show very entertaining and far from the prejudices they had of it”. Camille’s objective seems to have been achieved. It is especially for fight against sexual discrimination and stereotypes that the Ardéchois embarked on the adventure. “The art of drag is a militant art. Going out in drag, therefore wearing makeup, with a wig and heels, is not the easiest thing. From the start, this art wanted to show that you can be a man and assume like that”repeats the young man who left his native Aubenas to study make-up in Lyon before going to Paris.
Nearly five years ago, when he published makeup videos on the Internet, Camille discovered the drag queen universe: “It’s an art where we perform on stage, in fashion, in makeup, through videos”. He then creates a character: Kam Hung, “joyful, fun, sparkling and very focused on fashion and make-up”. In the show, he continues the challenges: songs, dances, theatre, sewing and play back.
– Jean Ranobrac / France TV
This Saturday, June 25, the first episode was to be the only one broadcast on television on France 2. The others are accessible on the Slash site. But the success was enormous: over 900,000 viewers despite the late hour, after 11:30 p.m. France TV has therefore decided to broadcast the entire season every Saturday evening after Fort Boyard.
This success honors Camille: “We know that we did a good job, that the program is very qualitative and that each one did the best of themselves. That it continues to be broadcast on France 2, it is a very big victory. This has never happened on TV, apart from the American franchise and even less on public service. To all the people who said that France was not ready, this shows the opposite”. Camille, who returns from time to time in Ardèche, also winks at the first pride march organized this year in Aubenas. “Like everything is going to the point, who knows how to wait”.
The Drag Race program is broadcast this Saturday from midnight and is already available on the website Slash.