Season 18 of the show “Love is in the meadow” was marked by an extraordinary couple, the one formed by Patrice, a cow breeder and Justine. Everything happened very quickly between the farmer and his suitor who quickly moved in together. The authoritarian attitude of the young woman also had the gift of annoying viewers who did not fail to let it be known on social networks.
Very patient at the start, Patrice ended up reframing his darling by explaining to her that he did not appreciate the way he wanted to direct and control his every move. It remains to be seen whether the young woman will be able to overcome these criticisms which come at a key point in their already well advanced relationship. This is what viewers will discover in the last episode of the season 18 reviews which will be broadcast next Monday… but the images of which are already available on 6Play.
Karine Le Marchand will thus return to the famous sequence of the move which caused a lot of noise on social networks. “You’ve been in control of everything, all the time, from the beginning. Have you always been like that?” the host will ask the 35-year-old young woman. The latter will then respond by explaining that she became so strict after being a victim of domestic violence in the past.
“I think it’s really since I suffered from domestic violence. I was married and I think afterward I rebelled a little bit and that’s where I created this shell in fact”will declare the candidate.