Justin Trudeau to revoke use of Emergencies Act

(Ottawa) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will revoke the application of the Emergency Measures Act10 days after he invoked it for the first time in Canadian history.

Posted at 4:02 p.m.

This was confirmed by two government sources to The Canadian Press.

He will make the announcement during a press briefing at 4 p.m. along with Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and Public Security Minister Marco Mendicino. Civil Protection Minister Bill Blair and Justice Minister David Lametti will also be present.

The Trudeau government proclaimed the Emergency Measures Act on February 14, in an effort to put an end to the illegal blockades that have paralyzed Ottawa and several border crossings with the United States.

The anti-sanitary measures mobilization and its blockages, which lasted for weeks, were able to be dismantled by the police, in the federal capital, over the course of last weekend.

The Prime Minister maintained, from the moment of invoking the Emergency Measures Actthat its objective was to give additional tools to local police forces and put an end to the mobilization that was hurting the Canadian economy.

The Emergency Measures Act had been invoked for a 30-day period, but Mr. Trudeau had signaled that he wanted the legislation to be no longer necessary before that deadline.

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