Justin Trudeau takes part in the emergency debate on the demonstration in Ottawa

An emergency debate is underway in the House of Commons to discuss the protests in Ottawa that have been going on for about ten days. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau participates in the exchange.

• Read also: Demonstrations: the NDP calls for an emergency debate

• Read also: The “convoy for freedom” is making children around the world

• Read also: “Freedom convoy” in Ottawa: the police chief asks for 1,800 officers as reinforcements

It was NDP leader Jagmeet Singh who called for the emergency debate on Monday.

“We need to see leadership and there hasn’t been that at the federal level,” Singh said during a virtual press briefing Monday morning.

Justin Trudeau takes part in the emergency debate on the demonstration in Ottawa

According to him, the goal of the demonstrators is not to put an end to the sanitary measures, but to “overthrow the government”.

Justin Trudeau takes part in the emergency debate on the demonstration in Ottawa

The City of Ottawa also declared a state of emergency in the capital over the weekend.

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