We can no longer count the number of experts who have sounded the alarm.
Provincial premiers.
Even polls show that the Canadian population does not agree with Justin Trudeau’s immigration policy.
“The Canadian economy has the capacity to accommodate 300,000 to 500,000 individuals per year,” said the chief economist of the National Bank of Canada. Beyond this level, it creates all kinds of pressures: problems with infrastructure, places in daycare, in schools, in real estate development.”
“We have not made the necessary investments to be able to accommodate all these people,” declared the chief economist of Scotiabank.
“If it continues, the sharp increase in the number of immigrants to Canada will result in an increased housing shortage, higher interest rates and increased difficulties in meeting health, social safety and security needs. and infrastructure,” estimated a TD Bank study.
Many renowned and respected specialists have said that the immigration targets set by Justin Trudeau were unrealistic.
However, what did our PM respond to?
“Well, there’s nothing there! The more immigrants we welcome, the better off Canada will be! Come, dear friends, come! We have transformed the country’s airports into Chemin Roxham to better welcome you!”
- Listen to the interview with Frédéric Boily, full professor at the Campus Saint-Jean of the University of Alberta and specialist in Canadian politics and the conservative movement, conducted by Yasmine Abdelfadel via QUB :
What did Justin Trudeau say Tuesday during a press conference in Halifax?
“Temporary immigration has exceeded Canada’s absorption capacity…”
Welcome to reality, Mr. Prime Minister!
Where have you been these past few months? On the Aga Khan’s island? On a Tofino beach? At a luxury resort in Jamaica?
Everyone has been telling you for months: the country you lead cannot welcome so many immigrants in such a short time! Your calculations don’t hold up! Our social safety net is not strong enough to meet the needs of all these newcomers!
Did it take this long for the message to finally reach your ears?
Let’s not tell ourselves a story: if Justin ended up changing his tune (and even then, only for temporary immigration, he still wants to increase permanent immigration to 500,000 people per year), it is not not because he suddenly saw the light.
It’s because he sees his party falling in the polls.
It’s amazing what the fear of electoral defeat can do. It can move mountains!
And it can also make money grow on trees!
Have you seen the number of projects that Justin Trudeau has pulled out of his pocket in recent days?
A register to protect tenants, housing infrastructure, a national school feeding program…
And wait, this is just the beginning!
Promises, you want some, there you go!
But how are we going to pay for all this?
But by taking out our credit card, of course!
That’s Trudeau’s plan: put the country in debt, fuel disputes with the provinces by encroaching on their areas of jurisdiction and open the floodgates to immigration without taking into account our reception capacity.
Quite a boss, right?