Justin Trudeau confirms Liberal-NDP agreement to govern until 2025

The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, confirmed on Tuesday the agreement he reached with the New Democratic Party to govern in 2025 without the risk of new federal elections.

“Canadians expect a strong and progressive government,” explained the Prime Minister at a press conference on Tuesday.

Under this agreement, the Liberal government undertakes not to prorogue Parliament for the entire term of office, in addition to implementing a series of social and environmental programs. Sources had confirmed to Homework Monday evening the existence of discussions between the two parties.

Justin Trudeau gave some details of the agreement, later summarized on the NDP website. For example, he mentioned the launch of a Canadian dental insurance plan and a universal drug insurance plan, as well as additional investments in health, including the hiring of doctors.

“It’s a continuation of our platform,” said the Prime Minister. The agreement with the NDP will provide “stability and predictability” to his government.

The Liberals were returned to power in the last general election in September, but with a minority mandate.

The other scandalized oppositions

The interim leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Candice Bergen, denounced the agreement between the two parties to her left on the Canadian political spectrum.

“This agreement means that Canadians woke up this morning to an NDP-Liberal majority government. Think about it for a moment, ”she said Tuesday at a press conference. “These parties cannot be trusted. »

The official opposition sees this as proof that it is “the NDP who is in charge”, which would be harmful for the Canadian oil industry, in the opinion of Ms. Bergen. MNA Gérard Deltell fears that the government will decide to centralize power even more in Ottawa. “Forget the idea that taxes can go down,” he concludes.

The Bloc Québécois has similarly denounced the agreement, which will result in “further imposing a centralization of the federal government”, according to its leader, Yves-François Blanchet. “We are going to be walked on with healthy bodies,” he warned.

Mr. Blanchet, however, believes that the agreement “will not last”, since it could be betrayed at any time. He denounces the “extraordinary naivety” of the leader of the NDP, Jagmeet Singh, and anticipates that this party will pay the price for its collaboration with the Liberals in the next election. ” It is as if [les élus néodémocrates] reneged on their own mandate. »

More details will follow.

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