Justin Trudeau, a destructive force

In 2015, during an interview with New York TimesJustin Trudeau took everyone by surprise by declaring that Canada had no fundamental identity and that he intended to make it the first “postnational” country.

Not really knowing what the announced metamorphosis would consist of, it was quickly attributed to the fantasies of a dreamy politician and fell into oblivion.


It was a mistake. It was, in fact, the most radical and disastrous ideology ever held by a Canadian prime minister.

With hindsight, it is now obvious that Justin Trudeau, behind his appearance as a young leader, was a Trojan horse. Instead of acting as a guardian of the nation’s interests, it is instead proving to be a destructive force.

You can destroy a country with weapons. But we can also atomize it by stripping it of its identity and inviting chaos.

Trudeau signed the Marrakech Pact on immigration. Since then, the borders have been porous.

Immigration certainly has virtues. But only when it respects the reception capacity. Otherwise, the consequences are painful for the entire population.

Today, in Trudeau’s post-national Canada, filling one’s grocery cart is a challenge, finding adequate housing is an achievement, and achieving property ownership is a fantasy. Debt has exploded, and debt service is expected to reach $45.6 billion this year, pointing to a bleak economic future.

At the societal level, postnationalism corresponds to the promotion of woke ideology in its most dogmatic, subversive and intolerant version of all dissident thought.


Those who remember pre-Trudeau Canada will agree that the once vibrant and globally admired country is now a dark and desolate fresco as the crescendo of national distress rises inexorably.

We experienced post-national Canada. The result is bitter. Long live post-Trudeau Canada!

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