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The appeal trial for the sexual assault suffered by Shaïna, a teenager victim of a gang rape in 2017 whose body was then found in a burnt out shed in Creil, in the Oise, in October 2019, will take place in Amiens, in the Somme, next week.
In Creil (Oise), it is a family united in pain that receives the teams of France Télévisions, that day. On the shelf of the house, there are photos of Shaïna, stabbed and burned alive at the age of 15 by her boyfriend at the time. At 13, the victim had already been the victim of a gang rape. The appeal trial for sexual assault will take place in Amiens (Somme), next week.
“We have been waiting for justice for more than six years”
“For us, it’s a lot of suffering, because the first part of this case dates from 2017, and we’ve been waiting for justice for more than six years”explains Yasin Hansye, brother of Shaïna. In the court of Senlis (Oise), a year ago, three of his attackers received up to a year in prison suspended. In October 2019, his body was found in a burnt out shed in the family gardens in Creil. Since then, her brother has devoted his time and energy to keeping his sister’s memory alive. The alleged murderer of the teenager will be tried before the assize court for minors in Beauvais (Oise) next June.