Justice suspends the sentence of Yvan Colonna, still in a coma after his attack in prison

This request was one of the demands of the demonstrators in Corsica.

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Justice granted Yvan Colonna, sentenced to life imprisonment for the assassination of the prefect Erignac, the suspension of his sentence, confirmed to France Télévisions a judicial source one of his lawyers, Sylvain Cormier, Thursday March 17. The latter confirms that the suspension is granted for a medical reason, the vital prognosis of Yvan Colonna being engaged. The Corsican nationalist, who is in a coma, has been hospitalized in Marseille since his attack by a fellow prisoner in Arles on March 2.

Requested by his lawyers, this measure was one of the demands of the demonstrators whose rallies have been shaking Corsica for two weeks.

This suspension is a logical consequence of the hospitalization of Yvan Colonna, estimated on France Inter Patrice Spinosi, lawyer for his family: “From the moment you have a condition incompatible with your detention, your sentence can be suspended.” If his condition improved, the sentencing judge could decide to incarcerate him again.

On March 8, the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, announced the lifting of the status of “particularly reported detainee” (DPS) of Yvan Colonna, which obstructed his requests for transfer to a Corsican prison to be closer to his family. Three days later, he took a similar decision concerning two other members of the Erignac commando still imprisoned, Alain Ferrandi and Pierre Alessandri.

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