The administrative court of Paris suspended the decree issued on Friday for the prefect of police. The unions intend to distribute red cards and whistles before the meeting.
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The members of the intersyndicale should finally be able to distribute leaflets and boxes around the Stade de France. The administrative court of Paris suspended, on Saturday April 29, the ban on gathering near the enclosure where the final of the Coupe de France takes place, in the presence of Emmanuel Macron. This ban was decided on Friday by the Paris police chief.
In its decision, rendered a few hours before kick-off, the court ruled in favor of the trade unions, which had filed an interim release. “It’s a victory for the respect of freedom”, reacted the inter-union in a press release. “The trade unions will thus be able to act within the framework of freedom of expression and go to meet the public of the Stade de France, to distribute their material”. They had notably announced their intention to distribute 30,000 red cards and 10,000 whistles.
The prefect of police of Paris, Laurent Nuñez, had defended, on Saturday morning, his decision to ban any demonstration near the Stade de France, referring in particular to a “huge spectator flow” with “78,000 people” expected for the meeting, which opposes Toulouse to Nantes.. “It would seem quite irresponsible to let this type of event take place on the day of a big risk match”he said at the microphone of RMC.