justice suspends municipal provision authorizing burkini in swimming pools

The text, which opened the door to the burkini but also to topless bathing for women and anti-UV swimsuits for all, was adopted on May 16 by a narrow majority by the city council.

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Setback for Eric Piolle. The administrative court of Grenoble decided, Wednesday, May 25, to suspend the provision authorizing the wearing of the burkini in the municipal swimming pools of the city. The text, which opened the door to the burkini but also to topless bathing for women and anti-UV swimsuits for all, was adopted on May 16 by a narrow majority, some allies of the city’s ecologist mayor dissociating themselves from the project, against a backdrop of national political storm. It was to come into force on June 1.

The prefect of Isère had seized the administrative court of Grenoble of a secularism summary. This procedure, created by the so-called “separatism” law, allows the prefects to request the suspension of the execution of an act of a community which would “seriously undermining the principles of secularism and neutrality of public services”.

The prefect of the department explained that he had received instructions from the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin relating to the seizure of the court in the event of the adoption of the new regulation. He felt that his “manifest objective is to yield to communitarian demands with religious aims (and that it) appears to contravene the principle of secularism laid down by the law of 1905 as well as the provisions of the law of August 24, 2021 confirming respect for the principles of Republic”.

The Minister of the Interior immediately welcomed this decision.

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