justice in the face of violence against women


France Info

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Virginie Vilar, journalist for “Special Envoy”, and Evelyne Sire-Marin, honorary magistrate, are the guests of 11 pm Thursday, November 25 after the broadcast of the France 2 investigation program concerning Nicolas Hulot.

Virginie Vilar worked for many years on the investigation revealing the accusations of sexual assault concerning the former Minister of Ecology, Nicolas Hulot. “It was a long process for these women. I met the first women, four years ago. At first she was willing to talk to me about it in front of a cafe or at their house. Then they accepted that I film the testimony. without broadcasting it. Finally, they decided to speak with their faces uncovered. We wanted to work at the pace they wanted. For many, it was a long process of awareness. “, explains Virginie Vilar, journalist for the magazine of France 2 “Special Envoy”

“I have had cases like that. For prescription, you should know that when you are minors, you have thirty years after reaching the age of majority to file a complaint. Up to 48 years old, a woman can file a complaint. adults, we have 20 years to file a complaint. But the problem for justice is that after a certain time, there is no longer any possible evidence. clues “, to analyse Evelyne Sire-Marin, honorary magistrate.

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