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This Wednesday, December 15, rallies are being held all over France. Judges, magistrates, lawyers, clerk … This time, everyone is demonstrating to denounce a breathless legal system.
“Sick justice”, a slogan that says a lot about the moral state of magistrates, lawyers and clerks. All over France, this unprecedented movement is gaining momentum on Wednesday, December 15. Toulouse, Strasbourg, Paris, courts on strike, gatherings of breathless magistrates who can no longer take it: “We no longer have the time to listen to the people who come to ask for justice, it is completely unacceptable. We judge people at night!“, complains this judge.
According to this judge, the observation is shared by the entire profession, and it is impossible for justice to continue to accumulate so much delay: “There is no court today that escapes this incredible pile of cases, cases, schedules, which is absolutely unbearable”. It was the suicide of a young judge last August that was the trigger for this anger. This situation has been going on for years and is likely to worsen if the government does not take appropriate action. Because even if the justice budget has increased by 30% in five years, it remains significantly lower than that of our European neighbors.