Posted at 7:00 a.m.
Erich Preach
If you are one of the 1,700,000 subscribers to Aba & Preach, the YouTube channel he feeds with Aba Zaba Atlas, you know Erich Preach well. You know his humor, his friendly personality and above all, his outspokenness. Entitled The Fabulous Destiny of Erich Preach, his major free outdoor event will bring together Mike Beaudoin, Rachelle Elie, Imposs, Dave Morgan, Urban Science #lecypher, Garihanna Jean-Louis, Rama M’Bodj and Pantelis.
Friday at 9:15 p.m., Beneva Stage
40 years of real fun!

Alex Perron
The Just for Laughs Festival is celebrating its 40th birthday this summer. To mark the occasion, the organizers have concocted several special events, including this musical and dancing tribute to the outstanding Just for Laughs productions of the past four decades. Directed by Alex Perron, this show which combines dance, singing, circus and (of course) humor is offered for 10 consecutive days. Notice to those who wish to attend more than one performance: you will find your account there since a different comedian will participate each evening.
Every evening at 9 p.m., Place Loto-Québec on the Esplanade (until July 30)
Between the lines

David Goudreault
Columnist, novelist, poet and slammer David Goudreault invites the public to “a great, uninhibited celebration of our words, our language and our literature”. For the occasion, the one we see everywhere, including in TV commercials for Marie-Élaine Thibert’s new album, will be accompanied by the Forestare guitar orchestra. He will be supported by comedian Yannick de Martino.
Sunday at 8 p.m., Maison symphonique