Just Fontaine died with his record


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

J. Lonchampt, G. Naboulet, A. Zouioueche, France 3 Toulouse, P.-M. of the Foata – France 3

France Televisions

One of the first great attackers of the France team, Just Fontaine died on Wednesday March 1 at the age of 89. He remains today the player who has scored the most goals in a single World Cup.

A blue jersey and an angel’s face. Wednesday 1er March, French sport lost one of its legends. Just Fontaine is the story of an extraordinary scorer with an unmatched record. In 1958, he scored 13 goals in a single World Cup. He was then only 24 years old and unknown to the general public. But with Raymond Kopa, he carried the French team to third place in the World Cup, only beaten by Pelé’s Brazil, a feat for the time. “I was pretty full”he summed up at the end of his career to describe his game.

13, his favorite number

Hero of the first epics of French football, the striker made the happiness of Nice, then Reims before receiving a virulent tackle in the league. He will never recover from his double fracture of the leg which signs his retirement at 29 years old. ‘Justo’ then became a coach and notably allowed PSG to join the first division in 1974. A joy so intense that it made him feel unwell on the pitch. Fontaine also became a variety singer, but above all store manager in Toulouse where he lived at number 13, his lucky number. In the pink city, it remains present in the memories. Just Fontaine died at 89, but his record could stand for a long time yet.

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