Just Eat delivery workers demonstrate to denounce their working conditions

The employees and FO denounce in particular the choice meal delivery company to merge all of the delivery zones in Paris in December.

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Employees of the Just Eat meal delivery company gathered on Wednesday January 19 in front of the company’s headquarters in Paris, at the call of the Force Ouvrière (FO) union to denounce their working conditions and unfair dismissals.

The employees and FO denounce in particular the choice of Just Eat to merge all the delivery areas in Paris in December. “Delivery distances can be up to 15 or 20 km now, some delivery people are doing up to 100 km a day”, denounces Jérémy Graça, FO union representative.

Unlike its competitors Deliveroo or Uber who use independent deliverers, Just Eat pays its deliverers. They are hired on permanent contracts and paid the hourly minimum wage. But they believe that the working conditions do not differ from the competition, since they pay for the rental of their bike and their own telephone. They are also calling for more warm resting places in Paris, where only one is open.

FO is also concerned about the proliferation of layoffs in recent weeks, and denounces Just Eat’s desire to clean up before the professional elections scheduled for February. According to Jeremy Graca, the company had around 1,800 delivery people in France last spring.

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