The temperature records are fueled by a “combination of factors”: the natural phenomenon El Niño, the heat wave that hits the North Atlantic and climate change linked to human activities.
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After an already record June, is it July? Exceptional ocean temperature records and heatwaves hitting parts of the northern hemisphere put the world on course for its hottest July since measurements began, the European Copernicus observatory.
>> INFOGRAPHICS. Climate: is it hot or cold for the season? Compare today’s weather to temperature history for decades
“The first 15 days of July were the hottest 15 days on record” And “July is on its way to becoming the hottest July ever”said Carlo Buontempo, director of the Copernicus climate service, whose consolidated data goes back to 1940. July is usually the hottest month of the year globally, due to the northern hemisphere summer, and July 2023 could therefore also be the record month for all seasons, added Carlo Buontempo.
El Niño, warm Atlantic, global warming
Large regions of southern Europe, China and North America have been suffering from extreme heat for several days, sometimes plagued by violent forest fires like in Greece.
>> Heat wave: “The probability of heat waves has been multiplied because of climate change”, explains the director of Copernicus
These records are fueled by a “combination of factors”, noted the scientist: the natural phenomenon El Niño, the heat wave that hits the North Atlantic and climate change linked to human activities. Overall, according to World Weather Attribution scientists, “every heat wave in the world is now stronger and more likely to occur due to climate change”.