” 1er July is a day of mutual aid, of solidarity, but in the midst of a housing crisis, it is also a day of anxiety. Going to meet tenants who are moving on Saturday, Québec solidaire takes the opportunity to denounce the current situation in the province.
Currently, a minimum of 700 families are homeless in Quebec. “And that’s not counting the thousands of families who will move into smaller housing that is too expensive or that does not meet their needs,” said the parliamentary leader of Québec solidaire, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, in point Press.
Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois and MP Andrés Fontecilla, who is the housing spokesperson, told the media that they would meet people moving on Saturday. The objective: to take the pulse of the situation, but also to inform people of their rights.
“We will see if there are emergency situations and in this case, refer them to municipal services,” said Mr. Fontecilla.
In order to “calm the crisis”, Nadeau-Dubois notably encourages the government to set up a Rent Register, which was requested by a group of mayors and mayors on Wednesday.
Today we are paying the price for CAQ inaction and, before that, for Liberal inaction.
Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, parliamentary leader of Québec solidaire
In the field, examples are easy to find. Vincent Espanol, met by The Press when he left his accommodation in Villeray, for example evoked a feeling of helplessness in relation to his research.
Vincent was leaving a place that had become too small for him to move in with a friend. But finding her new apartment was not easy. He no longer counts the visits where he could only submit his CV, then wait for a response – often negative.

Vincent Espanol, met by The Press as he left his accommodation in Villeray
You don’t know where you’re going to live for months, you’re looking… It’s really stressful. Then after you start lowering your standards for stuff that isn’t really worth the price.
Vincent Spanish
“We didn’t really get what we wanted in the neighborhood we wanted. The apartment is still good, but we wanted to stay in Villeray, Beaubien, the Mile End,” he adds.
This new accommodation will simply be temporary, for Vincent. He already plans to repeat the exercise next year.