Julien, the son of Benjamin Castaldi, is angry with Gilles Verdez for having taken away something intimate from him!

If tensions sometimes arise live between Gilles Verdez and Benjamin Castaldi, the chronicler of Do not touch My TV would have another member of the Castaldi clan on his back for a specific reason.

Remember, a few weeks ago, Benjamin Castaldi announced that his son Julien and his darling were expecting their first child: a baby boy. “I’m going to be a grandpa, it’s going to happen at the beginning of July (…) I dreamed of having a granddaughter. When they made the ball with the colors, you have to say: ‘Ah yes, great!’ And when I saw it was a boy, I said, ‘Oh no, again’!” he exclaimed. Moreover, the couple then confirmed the information on social networks. Kiara had revealed the first name of the piece of cabbage live since she had declared: “Normally, we’ll call him Angelo“.

But this happy event was tainted by the attitude of Gilles Verdez. Indeed, he would have stolen the scoop according to Julien Castaldi. “I would have liked it to be my father who announced it. My father played the game. I thought it was he who was going to say: ‘I’m going to be a grandpa’. Whereas it was Gilles Verdez who said : ‘Benjamin is going to be a grandpa’. Whereas he had been told not to say it, because it was still a little early”, explained the young man. “I didn’t want to. In addition, we had told him: ‘Don’t do it because it’s still early!’ It made me a little reverent because it was up to me to speak on it“explained the brother of Simon on the set of At Jordan’s.

“I know Gilles, he’s not mean. He did that to get the scoop, because he’s a journalist” saidhe added. For his part, Simon Castaldi also reacted by saying: “I don’t think that’s correct. I don’t think we can’t afford to say things like that. Even if it must have been my father who is a little airheaded who had to say it. I don’t find it good. I find it borderline not even calling Julien”.

“Kiara’s whole family was not aware. That’s the real concern. I don’t really care. For Kiara’s family, as she has a big family and it was a little early . We told my father that she was pregnant at two months. And then I was told at least three months” clarified the future dad. It remains to be seen whether Gilles Verdez will apologize or not.

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