Julien Tanti filmed completely naked by mistake in Les Marseillais: his wife Manon Marsault “annoyed”

Julien Tanti did not speak on the subject but his wife Manon Marsault, yes! Indeed, during a question / answer made on Instagram on Monday February 28, the reality TV candidate was plagued by the curiosity of her subscribers. One of them particularly wanted to know if she was not embarrassed at the idea that thousands of people had been able to take a look at the anatomy of her man.

Many of you have sent me messages, some to laugh, some to warn me. Indeed, in one of the episodes, we saw Julien naked ! Well, I want to tell you that it’s too late, I can’t do anything about it, of course it bothers me“, she acknowledged before relativizing: “But I prefer to laugh about it, that’s how it is, it’s the vagaries of the job. In any case, it was not something wanted, we would have preferred to avoid it, but that’s life, it doesn’t matter. As long as it’s mine“.

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